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The Nuckle

The Most Effective Tool Ever Created to Relieve Neck, Head and Shoulder Pain


Release, Relax and Realign Your Neck and Shoulders in Seconds!

At Aletha Health, we’re super excited to announce our latest product, the revolutionary NUCKLE. Designed by physical therapist Christine Koth, the NUCKLE is the world’s one and only tool that provides targeted pressure to the key muscles causing neck, shoulder and head pain. If you are suffering from chronic pain or other issues, you owe it to yourself to try the NUCKLE. You’ll finally reclaim the fully active, joyful and pain-free life you deserve.

Addresses the Root Cause of Neck, Shoulder and Head Pain for Sustainable Results

  • Ever wonder why massages, tennis balls, acupuncture, and other so-called pain treatments never provide lasting relief?
  • The reason is because they focus on symptom management, rather than addressing the underlying cause of your pain.
  • While you may get temporary relief from certain health practitioners, unless these key muscles are addressed, this tension pattern continues.
  • That’s why your pain always returns with a vengeance, often worse than before.
  • The NUCKLE penetrates deeply to heal the root cause of your pain for long-lasting results.
  • With its innovative, patent-pending tip design and variation in tip distance from the spine, the NUCKLE targets the precise muscles that previously only a visit to a skilled therapist could release.
  • You’ll say goodbye to the debilitating pain caused by hours sitting behind the computer, typing for long hours, staring into your phone and tablet, and overall poor posture.

The NUCKLE targets the precise muscles responsible for…

  • Migraines
  • Tension headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Neck pain
  • Tight upper traps
  • Jaw pain
  • Reduced mobility
  • Postural problems
  • Sleep issues
  • Rotator cuff injuries

Why We Like It

The Ultimate Tool for…

  1. Tension Headaches and Migraines: Trigger points in the head and upper trap are often the underlying cause of painful migraines and tension headaches. The NUCKLE releases trigger points in the neck, which can reduce their severity.
  2. Tight Neck Muscles: The NUCKLE helps to align the neck, and relax the tight muscles responsible for tension, stiffness and pain.
  3. Painful Shoulders: When the minor pec muscle gets tight, you may experience rotator cuff issues and shoulder impingement. The NUCKLE relaxes the specific muscles responsible for rounded, tight shoulders, poor posture and quickly reduces strain in the upper body.
  4. Limited Range of Motion: Muscle tension in your pecs and muscles at the base of your skull can cause pain, and also serious range of motion issues. The NUCKLE relaxes your neck and pecs so your entire upper body realigns, and you gain freedom of movement.

The NUCKLE vs. the Tennis Ball

  • WON’T ROLL: You’re putting the weight of your precious head on this thing; it needs to stay put so you can fully relax.
  • PERSONALIZED: Varied widths between the tips can release those muscles closer and farther from the spine, on every unique body.
  • ADD TRACTION: The gentle stretch you’re craving, with traction provided by multiple angled tips for you to play with.
  • WIDE BASE: To get into that “magic” spot, you may end up pressing slightly into one side. Don’t worry: the NUCKLE won’t budge.
  • HURTS SO GOOD: The density and angle of the materials were chosen for clinical efficacy: soft enough to relax, hard enough to do the job.
  • REST ALREADY: After releasing tight muscles, hang out with your head in the resting angle for a less-intense, restorative moment
  • PROBLEM SOLVE: By addressing both the neck AND pecs, you’re releasing the muscles causing pain, not just the ones that feel good.
  • MOVE FREELY: Move like a kid again: turn your head, stretch your arms, and return to that spreadsheet as a changed person.

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Release, Relax and Realign Your Neck and Shoulders in Seconds!

At Aletha Health, we’re super excited to announce our latest product, the revolutionary NUCKLE. Designed by physical therapist Christine Koth, the NUCKLE is the world’s one and only tool that provides targeted pressure to the key muscles causing neck, shoulder and head pain. If you are suffering from chronic pain or other issues, you owe it to yourself to try the NUCKLE. You’ll finally reclaim the fully active, joyful and pain-free life you deserve.

Addresses the Root Cause of Neck, Shoulder and Head Pain for Sustainable Results

  • Ever wonder why massages, tennis balls, acupuncture, and other so-called pain treatments never provide lasting relief?
  • The reason is because they focus on symptom management, rather than addressing the underlying cause of your pain.
  • While you may get temporary relief from certain health practitioners, unless these key muscles are addressed, this tension pattern continues.
  • That’s why your pain always returns with a vengeance, often worse than before.
  • The NUCKLE penetrates deeply to heal the root cause of your pain for long-lasting results.
  • With its innovative, patent-pending tip design and variation in tip distance from the spine, the NUCKLE targets the precise muscles that previously only a visit to a skilled therapist could release.
  • You’ll say goodbye to the debilitating pain caused by hours sitting behind the computer, typing for long hours, staring into your phone and tablet, and overall poor posture.

The NUCKLE targets the precise muscles responsible for…

  • Migraines
  • Tension headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Neck pain
  • Tight upper traps
  • Jaw pain
  • Reduced mobility
  • Postural problems
  • Sleep issues
  • Rotator cuff injuries

Why We Like It

The Ultimate Tool for…

  1. Tension Headaches and Migraines: Trigger points in the head and upper trap are often the underlying cause of painful migraines and tension headaches. The NUCKLE releases trigger points in the neck, which can reduce their severity.
  2. Tight Neck Muscles: The NUCKLE helps to align the neck, and relax the tight muscles responsible for tension, stiffness and pain.
  3. Painful Shoulders: When the minor pec muscle gets tight, you may experience rotator cuff issues and shoulder impingement. The NUCKLE relaxes the specific muscles responsible for rounded, tight shoulders, poor posture and quickly reduces strain in the upper body.
  4. Limited Range of Motion: Muscle tension in your pecs and muscles at the base of your skull can cause pain, and also serious range of motion issues. The NUCKLE relaxes your neck and pecs so your entire upper body realigns, and you gain freedom of movement.

The NUCKLE vs. the Tennis Ball

  • WON’T ROLL: You’re putting the weight of your precious head on this thing; it needs to stay put so you can fully relax.
  • PERSONALIZED: Varied widths between the tips can release those muscles closer and farther from the spine, on every unique body.
  • ADD TRACTION: The gentle stretch you’re craving, with traction provided by multiple angled tips for you to play with.
  • WIDE BASE: To get into that “magic” spot, you may end up pressing slightly into one side. Don’t worry: the NUCKLE won’t budge.
  • HURTS SO GOOD: The density and angle of the materials were chosen for clinical efficacy: soft enough to relax, hard enough to do the job.
  • REST ALREADY: After releasing tight muscles, hang out with your head in the resting angle for a less-intense, restorative moment
  • PROBLEM SOLVE: By addressing both the neck AND pecs, you’re releasing the muscles causing pain, not just the ones that feel good.
  • MOVE FREELY: Move like a kid again: turn your head, stretch your arms, and return to that spreadsheet as a changed person.

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