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Leela Quantum H.E.A.L. Energy Capsule

Personal EMF Shielding Capsules


The multi-purpose accessory for every situation.

You can wear the Leela Quantum Capsule like a piece of jewelry around your neck, take it with you in your pocket or use it as a quantum energy charger at home. The capsule can be filled with up to five titanium balls, all charged with neutral frequencies. This makes them ideal for transmitting quantum energy and frequencies and passing them onto other elements and materials. Whether you want to enhance the quality of your tap water, preserve your food longer, or provide yourself with positive frequencies, the capsule offers you unlimited possibilities.

The Leela Quantum H.E.A.L. Capsule contains the following frequencies:

  • Primal human healing frequencies as well as specific cosmic and Earth healing frequencies
  • Primal water frequency (the original source of the Earth’s healing water springs)
  • Nutritional Biobase frequency (contains almost 100 essential vitamin, mineral and organic plant extract frequencies)

— The H.E.A.L. Capsule has been researched and tested extensively. The Capsule has a wide range of certificates and research, including BESA and IGEF —

What are EMFs?

Your body is designed to handle a fair amount of EMFs. Even if you lived a completely unplugged existence in the middle of the jungle, the planet you’re standing on exposes you to EMFs. We humans emit electromagnetic energy, and there’s no escaping ourselves.

An EMF refers to the invisible cloud of electricity that surrounds electrically charged particles. When charged particles are moving (and they always are), they produce magnetic fields. Every living and nonliving thing you come in contact with has its own electromagnetic field.

So, EMFs are safe, right?

Only to a point. The world has far more EMFs coursing through the atmosphere than it did even 10 years ago. Once cell phones found their way into everyone’s pocket, the world started going wireless with everything.

The shift happened in a relatively short amount of time, which means you have to deal with a steep influx of EMFs.That makes us all the study population; the guinea pigs. Your body simply hasn’t had the time to adapt and there’s some evidence that this flood of EMFs is causing some pretty massive damage to your cells.

EMFs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so instead of waiting around to see what the long-term repercussions are, I’ve come up with some proactive ways to avoid overexposu

he most oxidative stress in your brain. A series of recent studies suggest that EMF exposure could even be a cause of neurodegeneration as you age, contributing to diseases like dementia.

Why We Like It

The International Society for Electrosmog Research (IGEF—the original name is in German) tests products and gives them seals of approval based on research results.

IGEF certifications are a good way to tell whether the product you’re researching actually blocks EMFs.

Leela’s products has an IGEF certification, along with transparent test results.

For example, IGEF found that all Leela EMF-blocking clothing items, like the jackets or hats, shielded over 99% of measurable EMFs from cell phones and WiFi, and that Leela’s pendant increased heart rate variability and autonomic nervous system adaptability in people exposed to electromagnetic radiation.

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The multi-purpose accessory for every situation.

You can wear the Leela Quantum Capsule like a piece of jewelry around your neck, take it with you in your pocket or use it as a quantum energy charger at home. The capsule can be filled with up to five titanium balls, all charged with neutral frequencies. This makes them ideal for transmitting quantum energy and frequencies and passing them onto other elements and materials. Whether you want to enhance the quality of your tap water, preserve your food longer, or provide yourself with positive frequencies, the capsule offers you unlimited possibilities.

The Leela Quantum H.E.A.L. Capsule contains the following frequencies:

  • Primal human healing frequencies as well as specific cosmic and Earth healing frequencies
  • Primal water frequency (the original source of the Earth’s healing water springs)
  • Nutritional Biobase frequency (contains almost 100 essential vitamin, mineral and organic plant extract frequencies)

— The H.E.A.L. Capsule has been researched and tested extensively. The Capsule has a wide range of certificates and research, including BESA and IGEF —

What are EMFs?

Your body is designed to handle a fair amount of EMFs. Even if you lived a completely unplugged existence in the middle of the jungle, the planet you’re standing on exposes you to EMFs. We humans emit electromagnetic energy, and there’s no escaping ourselves.

An EMF refers to the invisible cloud of electricity that surrounds electrically charged particles. When charged particles are moving (and they always are), they produce magnetic fields. Every living and nonliving thing you come in contact with has its own electromagnetic field.

So, EMFs are safe, right?

Only to a point. The world has far more EMFs coursing through the atmosphere than it did even 10 years ago. Once cell phones found their way into everyone’s pocket, the world started going wireless with everything.

The shift happened in a relatively short amount of time, which means you have to deal with a steep influx of EMFs.That makes us all the study population; the guinea pigs. Your body simply hasn’t had the time to adapt and there’s some evidence that this flood of EMFs is causing some pretty massive damage to your cells.

EMFs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so instead of waiting around to see what the long-term repercussions are, I’ve come up with some proactive ways to avoid overexposu

he most oxidative stress in your brain. A series of recent studies suggest that EMF exposure could even be a cause of neurodegeneration as you age, contributing to diseases like dementia.

Why We Like It

The International Society for Electrosmog Research (IGEF—the original name is in German) tests products and gives them seals of approval based on research results.

IGEF certifications are a good way to tell whether the product you’re researching actually blocks EMFs.

Leela’s products has an IGEF certification, along with transparent test results.

For example, IGEF found that all Leela EMF-blocking clothing items, like the jackets or hats, shielded over 99% of measurable EMFs from cell phones and WiFi, and that Leela’s pendant increased heart rate variability and autonomic nervous system adaptability in people exposed to electromagnetic radiation.

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