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NuCalm Meditation

The clinically proven to naturally relax the brain and body within minutes, without drugs


Where stress surrenders to neuroscience.

  1. Neutralize Stress
    Stay centered, present, and in control so you can balance competing demands. Boost your mood and energy to improve your relationships and improve your life.
  2. Restore Sleep
    Revitalize yourself when you are sleep deprived. Prime your mind and body to fall asleep more easily at night – and stay asleep.
  3. Elevate Performance
    Harness your body’s natural powers through accelerated recovery to maximize your performance.

NuCalm’s Systematic Approach

NuCalm is comprised of three components that work together to rapidly reduce the adrenaline response in your brain and guide your mind and body to a deeply relaxed state.

  1. NuCalm Light-Blocking Eye Mask
    Blocks visual stimulation and maintains the relaxed state.
  2. NuCalm Biosignal Processing Disc
    All cells of the human body communicate through frequencies. The NuCalm biosignal processing disc delivers the biological signals your body needs to slow down brain activity and prepare for relaxation. This mimics your body’s normal transition from action to idleness and sleep preparation. The NuCalm biosignal processing disc enables the neuroacoustic software to work at maximum efficiency.
  3. NuCalm Neuroacoustic Software
    Patented neuroacoustic software that uses binaural signal processing, frequency-following-response neurobiofeedback, and complex vibration, resonance, and harmonic oscillations to create resonant frequencies in the alpha and theta frequency ranges (12Hz-4Hz) – where recovery and restoration naturally occur.

Why We Like It

The NuCalm Solution

NuCalm solves the riddle of safely and reliably managing stress. NuCalm is the world’s first and only patented neuroscience, clinically proven to reduce stress and improve sleep quality without drugs. NuCalm uses state-of-the-art applied neuropsychobiology and neurobioinformatics to mimic your body’s natural biological function of slowing your brain and body activity in preparation for sleep.
NuCalm guides your brain wave function to alpha and theta ranges and suspends you in parasympathetic nervous system dominance – a state of relaxation where you are physically incapable of experiencing stress.

Simply put, NuCalm stops stress and allows you to relax and recover on demand.

NuCalm Provides These Profound Benefits Two Ways

  1. By balancing your autonomic nervous system and restoring you to optimal health
  2. By grooming your GABAergic system and priming your brain for better sleep performance

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Where stress surrenders to neuroscience.

  1. Neutralize Stress
    Stay centered, present, and in control so you can balance competing demands. Boost your mood and energy to improve your relationships and improve your life.
  2. Restore Sleep
    Revitalize yourself when you are sleep deprived. Prime your mind and body to fall asleep more easily at night – and stay asleep.
  3. Elevate Performance
    Harness your body’s natural powers through accelerated recovery to maximize your performance.

NuCalm’s Systematic Approach

NuCalm is comprised of three components that work together to rapidly reduce the adrenaline response in your brain and guide your mind and body to a deeply relaxed state.

  1. NuCalm Light-Blocking Eye Mask
    Blocks visual stimulation and maintains the relaxed state.
  2. NuCalm Biosignal Processing Disc
    All cells of the human body communicate through frequencies. The NuCalm biosignal processing disc delivers the biological signals your body needs to slow down brain activity and prepare for relaxation. This mimics your body’s normal transition from action to idleness and sleep preparation. The NuCalm biosignal processing disc enables the neuroacoustic software to work at maximum efficiency.
  3. NuCalm Neuroacoustic Software
    Patented neuroacoustic software that uses binaural signal processing, frequency-following-response neurobiofeedback, and complex vibration, resonance, and harmonic oscillations to create resonant frequencies in the alpha and theta frequency ranges (12Hz-4Hz) – where recovery and restoration naturally occur.

Why We Like It

The NuCalm Solution

NuCalm solves the riddle of safely and reliably managing stress. NuCalm is the world’s first and only patented neuroscience, clinically proven to reduce stress and improve sleep quality without drugs. NuCalm uses state-of-the-art applied neuropsychobiology and neurobioinformatics to mimic your body’s natural biological function of slowing your brain and body activity in preparation for sleep.
NuCalm guides your brain wave function to alpha and theta ranges and suspends you in parasympathetic nervous system dominance – a state of relaxation where you are physically incapable of experiencing stress.

Simply put, NuCalm stops stress and allows you to relax and recover on demand.

NuCalm Provides These Profound Benefits Two Ways

  1. By balancing your autonomic nervous system and restoring you to optimal health
  2. By grooming your GABAergic system and priming your brain for better sleep performance

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